Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Anyone else noticing a pattern?

I guess not, since I'm the only one reading this anyway. But I appear to be utterly bored today. Y'know, since this is only my third post today. Crazy, huh?

Anyway, I have about twenty minutes til class and nothing else to do. Absolutely nothing. Well... I could do my Spanish homework or practice piano, but I'm just not in the mood. Which reminds me:

I went to practice piano after Spanish, like usual, but the room with my favorite piano was being used. By someone playing a wind instrument of some sort, like clarinet or something. Not cool. Then, I only practiced for about twenty minutes. Normally I've been staying locked up in a little room with just me, the piano, and the random boys coming in to get to their lockers for closer to forty minutes. Maybe my practicing of the music for my lesson might not be that long, but I often just play whatever I want afterwords. But today I had not interest in doing so. I'm sure I didn't play as long as I normally do.

*sigh* ...I'm hungry. And bored. And thus bothering you. Thank you for tolerating this horribleness from me. I feel terrible. Ish. But whatever. I guess that's it and I should go up to class now. So, take care til next time I come to bore your brains out.~

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