Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A proper introduction. I guess.

Hi. It's me again. I don't know about all you non-existent readers, but I feel a bit bad about not actually telling you about me. I haven't even really said what my problems are. Just that I hate myself/my life. So I've decided to tell you all more about who I am.

I'm a college freshman, which I have said, I'm nineteen, and I'm female. I haven't decided on a major yet, but I'm considering English and history with a Spanish minor. I am a nerdfighter, which is something very special to me. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the vlogbrothers on youtube or You'll figure it out. I don't have a boyfriend, I don't have many friends (it feels like I don't have any), and I like to talk with my teachers after classes. I share nearly everything with my sister and my mom, because it feels awkward not to, and I share a lot more than I should with classroom and internet 'friends'.

Usually I would write in all lowercase, but I decided not to because I wanted to disassociate from myself. Which makes little sense, but I did. If I convert to no-caps, don't worry. It's still me, I just don't feel like capitalizing. I've been taking piano lessons for eleven years, and I don't like my new teacher. I'm also hungry. I tend to be hungry and/or tired at all times. I have difficulties going to sleep at night. Normally I would only just be getting out of bed right now but I went to sleep early last night.

I'm feeling better than I was yesterday, which just happened to be a particularly bad day. I did get on the phone with my mom and sister and, between them, told them almost everything I wrote here and that I wrote it here. Way to keep a secret. I didn't tell my sister about the blog and my mom wouldn't look for it even if I told her the site and name. So it's okay.

I'm bored, but I'll go to breakfast when I'm done here. On another note of random, I want to talk about personal hygeine. Please don't run away or decide I'm sick, okay? Just listen.

I don't know about everybody else, but from my understanding, showering every other day is exceptable, right? And every day is preffered, right? ...Well, it's been at least a week now, and I don't know when I'll feel bothered enough to. I just don't care. I wear deoderant and clean clothes, I do my laundry, I brush my hair and teeth. The only thing that doesn't even look clean is my hair and normally that is enough to humiliate me into the shower. But I haven't yet. And it bothers me that I don't care. Because usually I would wear a hood over my head to hide my hair that's gotten stringy and greasy, but yesterday I didn't even bother with that.

Okay, I actually am sorry to have put that there, but I feel it needs to stay, for myself. Class starts in half an hour and I need to eat, so I'll get this wrapped up.

If you're reading this, leave me a comment, okay? I'd like to know that someone's here, but just having the outlet is good. Thanks for reading and I'll probably be back later today.~

1 comment:

Ben Winter said...

Hey I read most of your posts, it's pretty interesting to have a window into someone else's life and to read their daily journal type of thing. Sounds like this blog is a pretty good outlet for you, I think everyone should write their thoughts down more often than they do! Hope things are going well with you!